Highest 1% Scoring English Language Tutors in the State.
HZ Tutoring 2024
VCE English Language, its a subject that’s especially difficult to find a tutor for as it’s a more niche English subject in VCE. However, its high scaling lies in its difficulty and differences from conventional VCE English.
It is heavily reliant on analysis of the English language and less about creative writing, oral presentations and thematic analysis.
Like English, it is one of the most important subjects to get tutoring because it’s a subject that is reliant on real, personal feedback. You can’t simply look at an ‘answer’ like in a maths or science subject.
Let one of our 45+ Study Score, 99+ ATAR tutors help you.
Our English Language Tutor

VCE English Language Lead
Chloe McCormick
Talented, high-achieving 99.15 ATAR Commerce student at the University of Melbourne. Huge portfolio of awards, specialising in English Language.
University of Melbourne Trinity College Scholarship Recipient. National Harding Miller Education Foundation Scholarship Winner. Victorian State Young Historian 2024, Diana Award Winner 2024, International Bright Future Prize Winner 2024.
High-achieving Commerce student at the University of Melbourne. Subject dux at Melbourne Girls College. WWCC approved.

#1 Private Tutoring Company in Melbourne
HZ Tutoring 2024
How to Find a Good VCE English Language Tutor?
When looking for a good VCE English Language tutor, it’s important to consider a few elements. An English Language tutor is different to a maths or science tutor, where it’s not only about explaining answers and processes but also thoughts, analysis techniques and examiner points.
- They need to truly understand how teachers and examiners mark. This is not maths, nor is it chemistry, they can’t just look at the correct answer and explain the process, they need to be able to understand how teachers mark and specifically what they’re looking for.
- They need to be able to make the content interesting. English is one of the most hated subjects in VCE for a reason. A good tutor can even make the most unmotivated student enjoy English. It’s not an art, it’s just about teaching it at the right pace, so the student feels excited to improve and feel as if they’re really understanding the concepts.
- They don’t try to write your essays for you. As tempting as it may seem, having a tutor write essays for you is often much more counter-productive than it is useful. Trying to memorise tutor-written essays or submitting work that you fully understand is both a huge time-dump and often ineffective. A good tutor can convey everything you need so that you can craft your own amazing essay.
Unfortunately, tutors are hard to come by and it’s often very difficult to distinguish between good and bad tutors.
At HZ Tutoring, we’ve done all of this for you. We’ve made sure that all of our tutors understand generic ‘good’ tutor requirements, and the specific requirements for a VCE English Language tutor and have a deep understanding of the VCAA study design.
Give us a call or contact us now.
#1 Tutoring Company for Customer Satisfaction
HZ Tutoring

Our Tutoring Promise
At HZ Tutoring, we are the only company that gives your satisfaction 100% priority. This means we provide you with 24/7 customer support throughout the process, we have weekly checkups with all of our students by Haobo to ensure that they’re happy and don’t have any concerns.
We also offer a refund at any point. Don’t worry that you’ll dislike our services later, you’re always entitled to your money back for the lesson to come. This means we’ll refund you for all the lessons that you haven’t taken yet.
Your experience is our #1 priority and our friendly support team is always available for you to express any concerns.