Lead VCE Tutor

Haobo Zhang

High-demand, leading tutor from the University of Melbourne specialising in VCE Maths and Biology. Founder of HZ Tutoring.


100% scholarship for Academic Ability at The Geelong College and Kardinia International College. Geelong College VCE High-Achiever. Top percentile in the Melbourne High selective test.


High-ranked Superprof VCE ‘Super Tutor‘ in 2023. Highly-reviewed tutor with countless 5-star ratings. Top private VCE company tutor in 2023. Top 10% in booking requests for VCE and Scholarships in 2024.


Founder of HZ Tutoring. Scaled 44 in Methods and 49 in Specialist. Hundreds of hours of tutoring. Written VCE trial exams. Prize in the Australian Maths Competition. WWCC approved. Results. Always

VCE Maths and Accounting Lead

Andres Puteri

99.3 ATAR. High-scoring, patient and technical VCE Accounting and Maths tutor from Melbourne University. Designer of detailed and complete VCE resources.


99+ ATAR. Year 12 Dux. VCE High Achiever. HZ certified premium tutor. Science at Melbourne University.


99.3 ATAR. VCE sample Math Methods and Accounting Resource Designer. 47 Study Score in English. 45 Biology. 42 Methods. WWCC approved.

VCE English Language Lead

Chloe McCormick

Talented, high-achieving 99.15 ATAR Commerce student at the University of Melbourne. Huge portfolio of awards, specialising in English Language.


University of Melbourne Trinity College Scholarship Recipient. National Harding Miller Education Foundation Scholarship Winner. Victorian State Young Historian 2024, Diana Award Winner 2024, International Bright Future Prize Winner 2024.


High-achieving Commerce student at the University of Melbourne. Subject dux at Melbourne Girls College. WWCC approved.

VCE English Specialist

Alex Dinuzzo

RAW 50 in VCE English. An extremely friendly and patient tutor from Melbourne University.


Raw 50 in VCE English. Dux of English and Business Management. Monash University scholar. HZ High-Scoring Tutor.


50 in English. 48 in Physical Education. 98.8 ATAR. WWCC approved.

VCE General Maths Specialist

Eesa Hussain

RAW 50 in VCE General Maths. 98.7 ATAR. The only VCE General Maths tutor that can guarantee results. Quality.


VCE Premier’s Award for VCE Further Mathematics. 98.7 ATAR. HZ high-scoring tutor.


Experienced maths tutor for several years. Raw 50. WWCC approved.

Top VCE Legal Studies Tutor

Jack Graffeo

99 ATAR. Talented, high-achieving, Premier’s Award recipient, specialising in Legal Studies and Economics.


Co-founder of one of Australia’s most popular COVID-19 tracking websites, CovidBaseAU. McKinnon Secondary College VCE Academic Excellence Awards in 2023 & 2024.


Raw 49 in VCE Legal Studies. Raw 46 in VCE Economics. Commencing a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Arts at Monash University in 2025. WWCC approved.

VCE Chemistry Specialist

Isabelle Chan

Competent, amicable and active VCE tutor from the University of Melbourne. Specialising in Chemistry and Biology.


Melbourne Principal’s Scholarship at the University of Melbourne.


High-achieving Biomedicine student at Melbourne University. Proxim Asset at Hampton Park Secondary College. WWCC approved.

Our Team

VCE English Resource Lead

Hazel He

Hazel is the author of our study guides. She has over 6 years of experience as a VCE English and EAL tutor and is also engaged as a practice exam external assessor. She puts a lot of effort into all the content written, and hopes that they help you in your study of VCE English.

*Follow us to stay updated as we release more content!


TSSM study guide designer. 6+ years of English tutoring experience. Knowledge of almost all novels in the VCE English study design.

Enquire about more subjects and our other tutors.

To enquire about our limited remaining spots, text or call us at 0444544560 as soon as possible and have a chat with us. These spots are a golden opportunity for your child to succeed in VCE with our extensive resources and experience.

Premium, Private Tutoring. Made for YOU.

HZ Tutoring

Here are some frequently asked questions

Worried about something? Find out more about us.

How do I know if the tutor is right for me?

All our tutors offer a 30-minute trial session completely free of cost! After that, you can decide if you’d like to continue. You can also request a change of tutor at any point.

What is the refund policy?

If you cancel a lesson within 24 hours of the lesson time. You will recieve a full refund. If less notice is given, 50% of the lesson fee will be refunded. Consideration will be given to you whenever possible to ensure a good relationship.

How are tutoring lessons offered?

We have both online and in-person tutoring lessons and courses specific for VCE. However, we specialise in resources for online tutoring which provides all the benefits of in-person tutoring without that $10 travel fee.

Everything Maths. Everything Biology. Everything VCE.

HZ Tutoring

HZ Tutoring VCE Banner

Our Location

Our in-person lesson location is a shared space at 151 Hawke St, West Melbourne. However, we mostly do travel and online lessons, with a small travel fee depending on the distance. Enquire with Haobo about lessons at our in-person location.

It is a comfortable, air-conditioned business lounge with beautiful scenery, modern bathrooms and a refreshing chilled-water station. Students can bring light snacks and a drink if they feel it will help them concentrate more effectively.

There may be slight noise, and other residents may occasionally be in the shared space. Talk to Haobo to see if HZ Tutoring is right for you.

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