Top Scoring, 99 ATAR, Legal Studies Tutor from Melbourne
HZ Tutoring 2024
VCE Legal Studies is undoubtedly one of the most content-heavy subjects across the VCE curriculum. The course covers Criminal Law, Civil Law, Parliament and the Constitution, as well as Law Reform. While the subject does require the memorisation of enormous volumes of content, top students will be separated based on their ability to apply analysis and evaluative skills to higher-mark questions that often require application to stimulus material.
Questions are notoriously harshly marked with examiners only awarding 1 to 2 per cent of students full marks on several questions across the exam. A lot to write on an exam and very limited time constraints means students typically find it challenging to strike a balance between writing enough to score marks, but not too much that they run out of time.
Our Legal Studies Tutor

Top VCE Legal Studies Tutor
Jack Graffeo
99 ATAR. Talented, high-achieving, Premier’s Award recipient, specialising in Legal Studies and Economics.
Co-founder of one of Australia’s most popular COVID-19 tracking websites, CovidBaseAU. McKinnon Secondary College VCE Academic Excellence Awards in 2023 & 2024.
Raw 49 in VCE Legal Studies. Raw 46 in VCE Economics. Commencing a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Arts at Monash University in 2025. WWCC approved.

#1 Private Tutoring Company in Melbourne
HZ Tutoring 2024
How to Find a Good VCE Legal Studies Tutor?
- They need to understand how to approach the higher-mark questions. The Legal Studies exam is not written in a way that will reward students who regurgitate prememorised responses. Higher mark questions ranging from six to ten marks are assessed in a way that means very few students will obtain full marks. A good tutor needs to understand the nuances required to score 10 on the 10 marker. This includes how to structure responses, how to adapt to different task words such as ‘Discuss’, ‘Analyse’, or ‘Evaluate’ and the volume of writing required to score highly that is often highly ambiguous. This is all about helping students grasp what examiners will be looking for as they mark responses.
- They need to be able to prepare students for the types of questions that can be asked. Ultimately, there are only a limited number of ways each key knowledge point can be assessed. A good tutor needs to have a comprehensive understanding of both the key knowledge and skills set out on the Legal Studies study design. Using the key skills, they can prepare students for assessments by pinpointing how different content is likely to be assessed and what types of questions are likely to be seen on SACs and the exam.
- They need to provide comprehensive, personalised feedback to practice questions. Like many VCE subjects, practice questions are a key to success with VCE Legal Studies. However, unlike Maths and Science subjects, there is no ‘right’ answer and students can find it unclear where marks are coming from. A good tutor needs to provide detailed feedback on student responses that picks up common mistakes, points out where marks may be lost, and includes suggestions about what needs to be added to score full marks.
- They need to keep up to date with the news related to the latest political and legal events. Legal Studies is a contemporary subject that can be applied to the outside world – whether that be in a court case or a law that parliament has passed. A good tutor should be able to draw upon real-world case studies to help demonstrate a concept and solidify understanding. In addition, a tutor needs to be able to draw upon a bank of recent examples that are highly valued by assessors as a way to demonstrate understanding in responses and are a sure way to score extra marks.
Unfortunately, tutors are hard to come by and it’s often very difficult to distinguish between good and bad tutors.
At HZ Tutoring, we’ve done all of this for you. We’ve made sure that all of our tutors understand generic ‘good’ tutor requirements, and the specific requirements for a VCE English tutor and have a deep understanding of the VCAA study design.
Give us a call or contact us now.
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We also offer a refund at any point. Don’t worry that you’ll dislike our services later, you’re always entitled to your money back for the lesson to come. This means we’ll refund you for all the lessons that you haven’t taken yet.
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